Visiting Kansas city we had the opportunity of visiting The Roasterie – a fantastic coffee roasting factory with a full size passenger air plane on the roof
While still driving we could smell fresh roasted coffee inside the car several hundred yards away from the factory
The Roasterie was founded 20 years ago and specialize in air roasting – they use heated air with precise temperature regulation to obtain the best possible roasting of their coffee beans
The owners of the Roasterie travel all over the world to find the best coffee beans, every year they produce one million pounds (450 metic tons) roasted coffee
The Roasterie also has a beautiful coffee bar serving all kinds of coffee drinks and a factory shop selling roasted and unroasted coffee beans as well as “user equipment”
I even got some really good green beans of Ethiopian Sidamo, these were roasted on the gas grill together with good American friends
It should not be necessary to tell that the coffee was really good!